Student's Profile


Student ID: 4189

Passport Number:
Date Of Birth


  • Qualification:
  • Percentage:%

English Test

  • Test Name:
  • Test Date:15/05/2020
  • Overall Score:
  • Reading:
  • Writing:
  • Listening:
  • Speaking:
Incomplete Applications

The student's profile has not been updated per standards successfully, We advise you to complete the aforementioned information before submitting applications.

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Completed Applications
No Result Found.
Date Time Next Follow up Date Advisor Remarks
23-09-202011:09:18 AM24-09-2020Soumya1st year bachelors but wants to discontinue and do her bachelors from canada has sent her documents
23-09-202012:09:30 PM24-09-2020Soumyatried calling student again ringing did not answer the call
23-09-202001:09:03 PM24-09-2020Soumyaspoke with student told that she is looking forward to EEE/CSE courses
24-09-202001:09:11 PM25-09-2020Soumyaspoke with student informed her that have forwarded certain list of universities so can go through the same and apply
25-09-202002:09:09 PM26-09-2020Soumyaringing did not answer the call
28-09-202005:09:35 PM30-09-2020Soumyaringing did not answer the call